Resources: Publications
and Presentations
This list is a partial list of journal articles, book chapters, white papers, books, and presentations to professional organizations by the founding members of GCI. Keywords include global consciousness, personal and organizational transformation, new paradigms for leadership education, management education, conscious leadership development, new paradigms for higher consciousness research, sustainability, and similarly related terms.
Altman, Y., Neal, J. and Mayhofer, W. 2022. Workplace spirituality: Making a difference. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
Bachani, J., N. Adler, K. Goldman Schuyler, J. Neal, V. Srinivasan, S. Waddock. 2021. Imagining a management and managerial future that values the feminine: A wisdom circle bringing the feminine into management. Presented at the Academy of Management virtual conference. August 2021.
Barnes, J., Castellon, A., Egan, C., Madsen, S.R., Longman, K.A., & Storberg-Walker, J., Leadership for women through a spiritual lens: How worldviews influence leader identity and aspirations. International Leadership Association, Geneva, Switzerland (Oct 2021).
Dillard, N., & Storberg-Walker, J. (Book chapter in press). Co-Conspirators: The Journey of Two Educators to Engage JEDI Within Critical Leadership Education. In J. Marques and S. Dhiman, Eds., Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as a Leadership Strategy.
Dillard, N., Johnston, L.J., & Storberg-Walker, J. (Book chapter in review). Co-constructing decolonial futures in academia: Becoming and (un)learning between hopeless and hopeful experiences. In E.S. Huaman, N.D. Martin, n. madyun, & P. Mataira, Eds., Reflections on graduate education: Equity, diversity, and justice in the neoliberal university.
Gjikondi, I., & Storberg-Walker, J. (Nov, 2021). Catalyzing a consciousness shift in leaders for system change: Interdependent, reciprocal, and regenerative. Poster, Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education Annual Conference.
Harris, D., Holyfield, L., Jones, L., Ellis, R., and Neal, J. 2018. Spiritually and developmentally mature leadership. NY: Springer.
Ivanova, E., Rimanoczy, I., Dridaran, K., Storberg-Walker, J., Yu, D., Lees, M., Lychnell, L., Vieker, K., Hermes, J., Huang, A., Fritz, M., Rodriguez-Tehedo, I., Hanssen, B., & Idrrajaya, A.N. (June 2021). Facilitating sustainability: A mindset for a resilient future. Presentation, U.N. Global Compact PRME (Principles of Responsible Management Education) 2021 Virtual Global Forum.
Jones, M. and J. Neal. (1999) Creating the gift economy. The Second International Conference on Spirituality in the Workplace, Toronto, Canada, June.
Laszlo, C. (2016) Consciousness development for responsible management education, with Heaton, D. and E. Schachinger in R. Sunley and J. Leigh, Eds. Educating for Responsible Management: Putting Theory into Practice. Routledge
Laszlo, C. (2016) The Quantum Leadership Project: Accelerating Globally Responsible Business. Feature article. Global Responsibility: the GRLI Partner Magazine. No. 15, 2016. Published December 6, 2016.
Laszlo, C. (2017) Toward a New Consciousness of Connectedness and Caring, in Gerard Farias, et. al., Developing Activist Managers to Work across Boundaries: A Path to a Sustainable Planet. AOM Annual meeting, Panel Symposium, August 5, 2016
Laszlo, C. (2020) Family business and consciousness. Panelist at Family Business Network, October 12, 2020.Laszlo, C. (2020) Quantum Management: The Practices and Science of Flourishing Enterprise. Journal of Management, Spirituality, and Religion. Volume 17, Issue 4: Special Issue on Quantum Management. Published online 24 February 2020.
Laszlo, C. (2021) Prospective Theorizing: Researching for Social Impact. Journal of Management, Spirituality, and Religion. Special Issue on Management Perspectives at the Convergence of Eastern Wisdom and Quantum Science (December 2021)
Laszlo, C. and I. Pavez (2021) The role of consciousness in accelerating business as an agent of world benefit, in Cooperrider, D. (ed.), Business as an Agent of World Benefit: The New Theory of Business in an Age of Massive Mobilization. Berrett-Koehler.
Laszlo, C. and J. Brown et. al., (2014) Flourishing Enterprise: The New Spirit of Business. Stanford University PressLaszlo, C.; Cooperrider, D.; Fry, R. (2020) Global Challenges as Opportunity to Transform Business for Good. Sustainability, Vol 12 (19), 1—17. Special Issue on Strategic Management for Sustainability: Imperatives and Paradoxes. Published online 29 September 2020.
Lichtenstein, B., M. London and J. Neal. (1996) The music of organizing – A synergy of evolving structures, improvisation and finding our collective voice, Eastern Academy of Management Annual Conference Proceedings.
Maheshwari, A., J. Neal. (2017) Transcendence for solving grand management challenges. Professional Development Workshop at the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL. August 2017.
Manz, K., R. Marx, C. Manz, and J. Neal. (2006) The language of virtues: Toward an inclusive approach for integrating spirituality in management education. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, special issue on Organizational Virtuosity.
Neal, J. (2008) Integral Learning: A New Look at Management Development in Public Administration, The International Journal of Public Administration, Volume 31 (4): 372-395.
Neal, J. (1997) Spirituality in management education: A guide to resources, Journal of Management Education, February, vol. 21, no. 1: 121-139.Neal, J. (2000) Organizational Examples of Spirituality in Management and Organizational Development. International Organizational Development Association conference, Pattaya, Thailand, November.
Neal, J. (2002) Leading With Soul. CARE 2002 Conference for Wheaton Franciscan Systems Executives. Chicago, IL May.Neal, J. (2005) Spirituality in the Workplace: An Emerging Phenomenon, Studies in Spirituality, vol. 15 (1): 267-282.
Neal, J. (2006) Edgewalkers: People and organizations that take risks, build bridges, and break new ground. Westport, CT: Praeger.Neal, J. (1995) Spirituality in the classroom: Making a difference through living your values. Presented to the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, Macomb, IL, June.
Neal, J. (1997) The evolution of consciousness at work: Principles for high performance and meaning at work. Presented at the Expressing the Soul in the Workplace Conference at the Kripalu Center, Lenox, MA, May 1997.
Neal, J. (1997) The evolution of consciousness at work. Presented at Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA, September. Neal, J. (2020) Workplace spirituality: Good for society, good for business. Presented to Woodbury University video series, June 30, 2020.
Neal, J. (1998) Healing our souls at work, Spirituality at Work Conference, sponsored by the Center for Visionary Leadership, Washington, DC, June.
Neal, J. (1998) Teaching with soul: Support for the management educator, Journal of Management Systems.Neal, J. (2000) Management, spirituality, and religion. Academy of Management, Toronto, Canada, August.
Neal, J. (2000) Spirituality in higher education: A global phenomenon. Conference on Spirituality and Higher Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, June.
Neal, J. (2000) Transcendent experiences and organizational life. Academy of Management, Toronto, Canada, August.
Neal, J. (2001) Organizational Examples of Spirituality in Management and Organizational Development. Keynote speaker at the Center For Creative Leadership’s annual conference on Spirit and Leadership in Greensboro, NC. January 2001.
Neal, J. (2001) Sustainable Inner Development: The Labyrinth Walk for Cross-Cultural Efforts in Management, workshop presented at the Academy of Management, Washington, DC, August.
Neal, J. (2001) Teaching Spirituality in the Workplace in an Online Course. International Alliance for Learning conference in Orlando, Florida, January 2001.
Neal, J. (2002) Bringing Spiritual Wisdom Into Our Workplaces, Professions and Schools, Spiritual Transformation Conference, Boston, MA. April.
Neal, J. (2002) Spirituality in the Workplace in Higher Education: A global phenomenon. Spirit in Business Conference, New York, NY. April.
Neal, J. (2003) Integral Learning: Management Education for the Whole Person. Eastern Academy of Management Annual Conference Proceedings
Neal, J. (2008) Leadership and Spirituality in the Workplace. Appendix A in R. Lussier, Human Relations in Organizations: A Skill-Building Approach, 7th ed., Homewood, IL: Irwin.
Neal, J. (2011) Edgewalkers: Leadership and the new global human, in Mark Russell (ed.), Spirituality Based Wisdom for Leadership. China Europe International Business School and the European SPES Forum
Neal, J. (2011) Spiritual evolution at work, in Marques, Joan, Satinder Dhiman, and Jerry Biberman (eds.), Managing in the twenty-first century: Transforming toward mutual growth, New York: Palgrave Macmillan
.Neal, J. (2012) The Handbook of Faith and Spirituality in the Workplace. New York, NY: Springer.
Neal, J. (2012) Edgewalkers: Spirituality within everything. Presented to the National Dominican Sisters Annual Convocation, Wheeling, Illinois, October 4-5, 2012.
Neal, J. (2013) Creating Enlightened Organizations. New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.
Neal, J. (2018) Overview of the Field of Transformation. In J. Neal (ed.) The Handbook of Personal and Organizational Transformation. New York: Springer.
Neal, J. (2018) Overview of Workplace Spirituality Research: A Literature Review. In Satinder Dhiman (ed.) Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment, New York: Palgrave.
Neal, J. (2020) Family business and consciousness. Panelist at Family Business Network, October 12, 2020.
Neal, J. (2020) Other ways of knowing, MSR Flamekeepers Big Question Webinar. November 11, 2020.
Neal, J. (2021) From workplace spirituality to global consciousness. Presented at the Maharishi University International Conference on Consciousness-Based Leadership and Management. May 21, 2021.
Neal, J. (2021) Global consciousness. Presented at the Edgewalker Café online, June 2, 2021.
Neal, J. (2021) Spirituality and family business panel presentation. Transformation of Family Business for the New Era, Family Business Network. September 17, 2021.
Neal, J. , ed. (2023) Personal, educational, and organizational transformation. Springer.
Neal, J. (2014). Leading with soul. Presented to the Good Samaritan Society annual chaplains conference, Kelowna, BC, Canada. October 20, 2014
Neal, J. and A. Harpham. (2012) The Spirit of Project Management. London: Gower Publishing.
Neal, J. and D. Finn. (2004) Designing and Using Guided Meditations in the Classroom to Develop Multiple Intelligences, a presentation at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, University of Redlands, CA. June.
Neal, J. and G. Biberman (2003) The leading edge in research on spirituality and organizations, Journal of Organization Change Management, July.
Neal, J. and G. Biberman. (2004) Research that Matters: Helping Organizations Integrate Spiritual Values and Practices, Journal of Organization Change Management. March.
Neal, J. and J. Bennett. (2021) Understanding and impacting global consciousness on managers and management. Presented at the Academy of Management virtual conference. August 2021.
Neal, J. and M. London. (1997) Spirituality in management education: Should we be using the “S” word? Eastern Academy of Management Annual Conference Proceedings.
Neal, J. and P. Perez. (1999) How to take advantage of chaos: A spiritual approach to change. American Society of Training and Development, Stamford, CT, April.
Neal, J., B. Lichtenstein & D. Banner. (1998) What Matters Most in Transformation: Economic and Spiritual Arguments for Individual, Organizational and Societal Change, presented to the National Academy of Management, San Diego, August.
Neal, J., L. Robbins, and G. Biberman (1998) The soul of great teaching: Enspiriting your career, presented at the Academy of Management as a pre-conference workshop, San Diego, August.
Neal, J., W. Ferris, S. Schor and J. Harmon. (1995) Spirituality in management education, Eastern Academy of Management Annual Conference Proceedings.
Neal, J.A. (1998) Teaching with soul: Support for the management educator. Journal of Management Systems, vol. 10, no. 4: 73-90.
Neal J., J. Storberg-Walker, I. Gjikondi, C. Laszlo (2023) Global consciousness: Frameworks for a F
Point, S., Y. Altman, J. Neal (2019) In search of spiritual organizations. Presented to the Academy of Management, Boston, MA. August 12, 2019.
Research, and Service for Sustainability. PRME, United Nations Working Group on Sustainability Mindset.
Rimanoczy, I., Ivanova, E., Lees, M. & Storberg-Walker, J. (April 2021). Innovating in the classroom: Sustainability developed from the inside out. Presentation, SUSTEX 2021 conference; online April 22-23.
Rundlett, D.A. (2012-2014). The Journey: Growing Up in Spiritual Maturity. Process Intervention, prototyped in Sarasota, Fl; St. Louis, MO; and Canton, OH.
Rundlett, D.A. (2014). The Role of Spirituality in Shaping Core Identity, Character and Call. Presentation, International Organizational Development Network, Philadelphia, PA.
Rundlett, D.A. (2015). The Journey: A Formational Change Journey. Presentation/Workshop: Presbyterian Church (USA). Indianapolis, IN. Rundlett, D.A., Howard, A. (2020). The Leader as Poet & Prophet. Workshop: Management and Social Justice Conference, New School for Social Research. Moved to online.
Schmidt, P., R. Major and J. Neal. (2021) MSR: A regenerative community producing generative research. Presented at the MSR retreat, June 23, 2021.
Storberg-Walker, J. (2019, December). Legitimizing Qualitative Research Methodologies for MSR. Management Spirituality and Religion Interest Group, Academy of Management.
Storberg-Walker, J. (2019). Exploring the Role of Contemplative Practices in Teaching,
Storberg-Walker, J. (2020, August). First Person Research: MSR Researchers Transforming the World. Presentation, Management Spirituality and Religion Interest Group, Academy of Management.
Storberg-Walker, J. (2020, September). First Person Research: Autoethnography as personal and global catalyst for transformation. Presentation, Management Spirituality and Religion Interest Group webinar series.
Storberg-Walker, J. (2020). Contemplative practices in higher education: tools and tips for engaging students. Presentation, PRME, United Nations Working Group on Sustainability Mindset.
Storberg-Walker, J. (2020). Decolonizing doctoral education: Creating stories of love while in the lion’s den. Or, How an old crone is learning badassery. 10th annual Quantum Storytelling Conference. Synchronous online session.
Storberg-Walker, J. (2020). Exploring first-person research methodology as a mechanism of transformation. Research Consortium, Academy of Management; Management, Spirituality, and Religion Interest Group. Synchronous online session.
Storberg-Walker, J. (2020). Healing with the planet through the work that reconnects: Opening to inner wisdom. Presentation, Management Spirituality and Religion Research Colloquium, Academy of Management Annual Research Conference.
Storberg-Walker, J. (August, 2020). Engaging students in mind, body, and heart. Presentation, Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) Global Conference.
Storberg-Walker, J. (August, 2020). Healing with the planet through the Work that Reconnects. Presentation, Management, Spirituality, and Religion Interest Group Community Retreat.
Storberg-Walker, J. (August, 2020). Research as transformation. Presentation, Management, Spirituality, and Religion Interest Group Research Consortium. Synchronous online session.
Storberg-Walker, J. (2022). Relating Differently: Exploring How a Relational Ontology Might Catalyze Transformative and Emancipatory Action-Oriented MSR Research.In Y. Altman, J. Neal, and W. Mayrhofer, Eds., Workplace Spirituality: Making a Difference, DeGruyter.
Storberg-Walker, J. (July 2021). Catalyzing equity and justice through ancestral wisdom.Workshop, MSR Retreat.
Storberg-Walker, J. & Yu, Deyang. (Book chapter in press) The Quantum Shift: Teaching Sustainability Leadership Critically and Mindfully. In I. Rimanoczy and E. Ivanova (Eds). Revolutionizing Sustainability Education.
Storberg-Walker, J., Daskalaki, M., Jain, T., Johansson, M., Persson, S., Slater, R., Storberg-Walker, J., & Williams, K. (August 2021) Just about managing: Collaborative explorations of our times through autoethnographic writing. Academy of Management Annual Conference.
Storberg-Walker, J., Gjikondi, I., and Neal, J. 2019. A Convening for Global Consciousness: Accelerating Global Consciousness Development in Service to Human and Planetary Wellbeing. Mind & Life ‘Think Tank’ proposal for $15,000. Not funded.
Storberg-Walker, J., Gjikondi, I., Neal, J., Laszlo, C. and Schmidt, P. (October, 2021) Catalyzing a Quantum Shift in Leaders for System Change: Interdependent, Reciprocal, & Re-generative. Conference workshop at International Leadership Association Annual Conference.
Storberg-Walker, J., Laszlo, C., Neal, J., Gjikondi, I., and Schmidt, P. (October 2021) Global Consciousness, Equity, and Flourishing: Tools and Frameworks for a New Leadership Paradigm. Symposium, International Leadership Association Annual Conference.
Storberg-Walker, J., Tekle, H., List, C., & Yu, D. (May 2021). The consciousness of relational paradigms: An exploratory collaborative autoethnography. Presentation, Mahareshi International University Leadership Conference, online April 2021.
Storberg-Walker, J., Yu, D., Tekle, H., & List, C. (Book chapter in preparation). Learning from relational ontologies through head and heart: An exploratory collaborative autoethnography.In A. Maheshwari, Ed., Consciousness-Based Leadership and Management: Mapping the Path to Oneness and a Flourishing Humanity.
Storberg-Walker, J., Yu, M., Telke, H., & List, C. (Nov, 2021). Learning from relational ontologies through head and heart: An exploratory collaborative autoethnography. Presentation, Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education Annual Conference.
Toomey, M. and Neal, J. 2021. Integrating Change: The art, science and craft of transforming organizations. NY: Routledge.
Tsao, C. F. and C. Laszlo (2019) Quantum Leadership: New Consciousness in Business. Stanford University Press.
Yu, M., Tekle, H., List, C., & Storberg-Walker, J. (Oct, 2021). Facilitating a mindset of self-discovery through collaborative autoethnography. Presentation, 8th Responsible Management Education Research Conference.