What We Do
Our work is organized into three streams.
Our Three Streams
Applied Research, Scholarship, & Innovative Education
The purpose of this stream is to fundamentally alter the educational paradigm, from skills and standards-based, towards a vision of education as fostering resilience, adaptation, entrepreneurial wisdom, soul development, and social equity.
Our plan includes generating a cadre of MA, MEd, and PhD/EdD scholar practitioners and certified leadership coaches who will spread the new paradigm and experience of global consciousness through the research/educational ecosystem.
We are undertaking research on global consciousness, how it is measured, and the beneficial outcomes for leaders, their organizations, and the planet.
Leadership and
Organizational Practice:
The purpose of this stream is to fundamentally alter human relationships at work and in communities; to catalyze consciousness development; and to develop evolutionary leaders with the capacity to lead for planetary and human flourishing.
Self-cultivation is a fundamental pillar, a practice that requires learning, coaching, and healing.
We see a mutuality between our vision of applied research and these innovative organizational practices and intend to create living systems with processes for connections and regenerative capacity.
Movement and
Community Building:
The purpose of this stream is to increase global collaboration in order to accelerate the collective elevation in consciousness in humanity.
Marilyn Ferguson in her book Aquarian Conspiracy stated that a quantum shift happens in society when small groups and initiatives begin to link up and collaborate with one another.
We envision creating a consortium of partners to co-create scalable programs and events as well as collaboration with foundations, social enterprises, and other relevant organizations and networks.
“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness”— Lao Tzu

Our Theory Of Transformation
Our commitment is to activate a collective experience of oneness globally, enabling humanity to exist in loving resonance with all life. Our Theory of Transformation elucidates our understanding of how this will occur. Our theory includes two dimensions. The first emphasizes the key elements for engendering this collective experience. The second defines GCI’s strategic approaches for the Institute to contribute to this transformation.
We make a distinction between change and transformation. Transformation is a complete and total shift in the nature and dynamics of what’s happening and in how we relate to the world. Transformation creates something new. Like a caterpillar’s metamorphosis to a butterfly, the change is irreversible. When we simply change a situation, we repeat the past, at best we only move around the pieces of it, and only slightly alter the outcomes. Unless there is a fundamental shift in how we perceive and respond to our circumstances, we cannot create a new future. With transformation the world looks and might in fact be different, as new behaviors and actions begin to flow from a new source. Our responses, systems, and leadership practices arise from a global consciousness of interdependence and interconnectedness.
Key Elements
Humanity - each of us individually and all of us collectively - has the opportunity to move towards the development of our full potential. A new world is revealed as we develop expanding states of consciousness, feeling connected with others, and everything on earth and in the Cosmos. People around the world are at the cutting edge of an evolutionary leap. The choice is ours. Our commitment is to the life-giving potential of human consciousness: to connect, to love, to flourish, and to evolve with all living things, including with each other and the planet.
We recognize this as a collective stirring in the hearts and souls of a significant number of people in the world who want to contribute to this upward spiral of collective flourishing. It is a path for those who seek to transform their consciousness.
We support leaders who are agents of transformation and innovators of solutions for the health of our planet. Together we are reinventing society as leaders, practitioners, and participants in global consciousness.
We contribute to this movement by living in congruence with the following beliefs and nurturing them in others:
The metacrisis we are experiencing is motivating global change.
Humanity continues to evolve. At an individual and collective level, we are driven by life's innate search not only for survival but to flourish in our ways of being, thoughts, and actions.
The transformational narrative of a flourishing future is based on an embodied experience of interdependence and interconnectedness with all life.
Viable approaches to global consciousness integrate science and living wisdom.
When we expand our consciousness, we are aware of fields of energy and information and how they are affecting us. We construct new connections between disruptive fields and life-giving fields so that new construction is made possible.
World views (or mental models) are key leverage points for developing life-serving systems and global consciousness.
Connecting organizations around the world who are developing global consciousness enables the field of global consciousness to become more aware of itself, and engenders the conditions for people to collaborate more effectively, and therefore accelerates transformation.
Transformative education is a key lever for developing leaders and change agents who lead with global consciousness.
Developmental theories of individual and collective consciousness provide one important context for creating strategies and programs.
The evolution of consciousness is already occurring. The more conscious we are, the more viscerally we feel our oneness, and therefore consciously contribute to this evolution. The need is urgent.
The second dimension of our Theory of Transformation is based on these four approaches:
Elevate Global Consciousness as a field of study.
Transform education and economic practices and policies.
Provide strategic and energetic focus for the nurturing of change agents and leaders.
Contribute to movement building by mapping the terrain of global consciousness organizations.
GCI is uniquely positioned to support the development of global consciousness as a field of study and practice in higher education and leadership development, contributing to an irreversible movement towards global flourishing.
Science and wisdom are re-integrating after being separated so distinctly in recent centuries. Their intimate dance is of critical importance, as we live in unprecedented times when humanity’s purpose of being is called into question.
Transcending a Newtonian-Cartesian consciousness—that of separation between humans and nature—humanity is invited to embody the essential wholeness and connectedness of life. A quantum ontology invites a new way of experiencing the world and our place in it, and science and wisdom are re-united into one whole. Quantum science provides the language and methods to understand and shape our world.
GCI believes this experiencing of wholeness is the next phase of human evolution, where we experience profound shifts of consciousness, moments of clarity, relatedness, resonance, awe, and love. We also experience dislocating doubt and loss as the world we “knew” dissolves before our eyes. What emerges is a concept-less, word-free space of direct knowing. In this space, human consciousness, thought, and action are active players in ecosystem flourishing. This direct experience is a generative source of new ways of being.
For GCI, this direct experience of wholeness is living wisdom. Living wisdom emerges from the direct experience of the interdependent relationships between all life on the planet. Living wisdom can be facilitated through research-based practices and through knowing that the ecosystems of life and death on earth are an inter-connecting spiral. Living wisdom is wisdom-in-action. It is pragmatic, intuitive, research-based, integral. Living wisdom activates self- and systems-awareness for the good of the whole. Ultimately, living wisdom is the bridge between the new sciences and a consciousness of connectedness that infuses humans, nature, our planet, and the cosmos.
To amplify humanity’s capacity for living wisdom, GCI draws from diverse wisdom traditions (east and west) as well as quantum science to develop and deploy embodied practices and experiential learning opportunities. GCI believes that quantum science has the language to bring to life the practices of perennial and indigenous wisdom. Our approach to this integration is an iterative movement between applied research and practice; one informing the other in movements towards an expanding consciousness of wholeness. We invite leaders and communities around the world to join us in the integration of science and living wisdom in support of mutually beneficial relationships between humanity, all life on earth, and the cosmos.